County delegation approves budget

NORTH HAVERHILL—The Grafton County legislative delegation approved a $56.2 million budget in a party-line vote at a hearing on Monday morning. In a 15-5 vote, delegation members approved a budget plan which will increase spending by 4.56% over the current year and increase the total amount to be raised in property taxes by 3.07%.

Mailed JOs will be late due to federal holiday

Wednesday will be JO Day on the newsstands and for online subscribers! But there will be a delay for the mailed subscribers because of the federal Juneteenth holiday, June 19. This is the first time the Bradford post office is honoring Juneteenth and we just learned of the post office closure for the day this […]

Simpson sentenced in kidnapping

BURLINGTON—A St. Johnsbury man, who was convicted for kidnapping a 23-year-old mother and her son in 2019 and stealing two cars and taking them across state lines, was sentenced to 25 years in federal prison on Monday.

Sidewalk vote on Saturday in Bradford

BRADFORD—Bradford will hold a special town meeting on Saturday, June 22 at 9 a.m. to review the proposed study of a sidewalk along Creamery Road to improve pedestrian access to the Bradford Park and Ride and the Tri-Valley Transit bus depot.

Photos of the Week

They are the Champions! Woodsville boys basketball won the D4 state championship Saturday afternoon, defeating Littleton 51-48. AND Thetford boys basketball won the D3 state title over Hazen 58-44 Saturday night. Congratulations to the Engineers and the Panthers!

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