Voters defeat Rivendell budget
ORFORD—The Rivendell Interstate School District 2024-2025 budget was defeated 240-143 in a paper ballot during the district’s annual meeting on April 13.
BMU budget approved
WELLS RIVER—The Blue Mountain Union budget was approved 182-163 on April 15 during Australian ballot voting in Groton, Ryegate, and Wells River.
Bradford sets special meeting
BRADFORD—The Bradford Selectboard voted last week to tentatively set a special town meeting for Saturday, May 18 at 9 a.m. to review the Creamery Road sidewalk study proposal. Board members said they want to hold an informational discussion prior to a formal vote.
Alum treatment set for next month
FAIRLEE—For the second time in nearly 40 years, a local lake will be treated with aluminum sulfate, or alum, in an effort to improve water quality. In 1986, alum was applied to Lake Morey capping phosphorus sediments at the bottom of the lake. It was a treatment that worked for more than three decades. But […]
Photo of the Week
A fledgling Rivendell Raptors fan cheers on the home team in Orford during the boys basketball game against Grace Christian on Jan. 3.