Support group aims to help those touched by addiction
VERSHIRE—Addiction looms like a dark shadow. And there are few resources available in rural towns to support suffering families or those seeking help. It’s hard to see anything beyond it, so Dr. Gregory Wilson started the Vershire Wellness Group.
Board votes to keep libraries in budget
WOODSVILLE—The Haverhill Selectboard unanimously voted on Monday night to keep public funding for the town’s three libraries within the municipal operating budget.
Skate park vote eyed
BRADFORD—It’s not set in stone, but the Bradford Selectboard voted on Jan. 9 to put an article on the 2025 town meeting warrant asking voters if they want to allocate surplus funds to a capital fund set up to support renovations, including the construction of a skate park, at Elizabeth’s Park.
Caledonia deputies to cover Newbury
NEWBURY—Newbury will have regular police patrols again. A contract, effective Jan. 1, between the Orange County town and the Caledonia County Sheriff’s Department has been signed by Newbury Selectboard Chair Susan Culp and Caledonia Sheriff James Hemond. It runs through the end of 2025.
Photos of the Week
They are the Champions! Woodsville boys basketball won the D4 state championship Saturday afternoon, defeating Littleton 51-48. AND Thetford boys basketball won the D3 state title over Hazen 58-44 Saturday night. Congratulations to the Engineers and the Panthers!