Rivendell opens community food pantry
ORFORD—Food insecurity does not recognize state lines. New Hampshire and Vermont both battle the problem, and that’s where Rivendell Academy stepped in. The small interstate school in Orford has added a food pantry to aid in the fight against hunger among the district’s students and the community at large.
BMU budget could get boost from new law
WELLS RIVER—Blue Mountain Union could be one of the beneficiaries of a 2022 state law that ‘dramatically shifts’ Vermont’s education funding system. Although a budget for the 2024-2025 school year has yet to be finalized, officials are considering adopting a proposal that raises education spending by 20%. Despite the hefty increase, projections show there may […]
Man sentenced in 2017 Newbury fatality
BARRE—David Gilbo of Newbury can avoid prison time after pleading guilty on Nov. 30 to a misdemeanor criminal charge of grossly negligent operation in driving a pickup truck that struck and killed a Ryegate man at P&H Truck Stop.
Thetford board considers voting changes
THETFORD—With town meeting deadlines approaching next month, the Thetford Selectboard considered three potential articles during its regularly scheduled meeting on Monday night.
Photo of the Week
Bradford Town Meeting was held Saturday in the Bradford Academy Auditorium with a large crowd in attendance. On a ballot vote, Beth Friend casts her ballot.