Voting machines on their way
WOODSVILLE—The Haverhill Selectboard voted on Jan. 2 to purchase two devices manufactured by VotingWorks. The board formally voted to make the purchase after hearing a recommendation from Haverhill Town Clerk Christina Hebert.
Petition seeks vote on rental ordinance
FAIRLEE—Nearly 200 people have signed a petition submitted by David Adams that called a special meeting to repeal the short-term rental ordinance approved by the selectboard in November.
Elizabeth’s Park vandalism could be costly
BRADFORD—Repairs at Elizabeth’s Park could run into the tens of thousands of dollars after a hammer-wielding vandal went on a three-minute spree of mayhem just before Christmas. The incident happened shortly after midnight on Dec. 22. Video surveillance captured a small truck entering Elizabeth’s Park off Fairground Road in Bradford.
Next steps unclear in Newbury after court decision
NEWBURY—The Vermont Supreme Court’s 4 to 1 decision on Dec. 21 upheld the state’s plan for a secure treatment facility for youth on Stevens Place off Fish Pond Road in Newbury. The fate of the project, proposed for a site which housed a former bed and breakfast, was in the hands of the courts for […]
Photo of the Week
Bradford Town Meeting was held Saturday in the Bradford Academy Auditorium with a large crowd in attendance. On a ballot vote, Beth Friend casts her ballot.