Students start without masks
NORTH HAVERHILL—For the third time in the last three months, the Haverhill Cooperative School Board decided against requiring students to wear masks at the start of the 2021-2022 school year. Holding a special meeting on Aug. 26 to solicit public input on reopening plans, board members narrowly rejected a proposal to impose a student mask […]
Board hears roads, speed complaints
ORFORD—The Orford Selectboard voted to accept the first installment of its American Rescue Plan Act funds following a public hearing last week. The board held a brief hearing at the start of its regularly scheduled meeting on Aug. 25 to discuss whether to accept $68,100 in coronavirus relief funding. There was little, if any, public […]
Board does U-turn on ARPA plan
WOODSVILLE—After two previous votes to spend federal coronavirus relief funds on a plan proposed by the town’s precincts, the Haverhill Selectboard reversed course on Monday night. The board voted 3-2 to reconsider its motion approved two weeks ago following a two-hour public hearing that was attended by dozens of people. It then voted 3-2 to […]
Oxbow voters approve forest purchase
BRADFORD—For now, it appears that the local school district will own a 10.2-acre property near the school to be used as an outdoor classroom for students at Newbury Elementary School. Voters at the Oxbow Unified Union School District’s special meeting on Aug. 17 authorized spending $68,000 of surplus funds to buy the undeveloped, forested real […]
Photo of the Week
Bradford Town Meeting was held Saturday in the Bradford Academy Auditorium with a large crowd in attendance. On a ballot vote, Beth Friend casts her ballot.