Board approves mask requirement for staff

WOODSVILLE—For the third time in a little over a month, a divided school board voted on a mask mandate at its three schools. During a regularly scheduled meeting on Sept. 13, Haverhill Cooperative School Board members voted 4-3 to require staff members to wear masks while indoors with students and when unable to maintain 6 […]

Liquor permit approved, another denied

BRADFORD—Spirits were not running high at last week’s Bradford Selectboard meeting after a request to serve beer and wine by a local business was denied. Vittles House of Brews’ owner Kendall Gendron had submitted a request to reserve the Bradford Academy auditorium on Oct. 31 for a Halloween Drag Burlesque Show and to serve beer […]

Rivendell maintains mask mandate

ORFORD—Students and staff will be wearing masks at Rivendell’s three schools for the foreseeable future. “Our focus remains on keeping the school community healthy and our schools operational,” superintendent Barrett Williams wrote in a letter on Sept. 10. On Sept. 14, the district reported two cases at Rivendell Academy in Orford, one case at Samuel […]

FD members quit in leadership spat

WEST TOPSHAM—Half a dozen area firefighters resigned last week after a combustible association annual meeting. Six firefighters resigned from the Tri-Village Fire Department on Sept.1, citing dissatisfaction with leadership, the current trustee board’s incompetence, lack of professionalism, and the risk of allowing untrained personnel to operate apparatus and attend working fire scenes. According to TVFD […]

Photo of the Week

Bradford Town Meeting was held Saturday in the Bradford Academy Auditorium with a large crowd in attendance. On a ballot vote, Beth Friend casts her ballot.

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