Board poised to make Airport decision
NORTH HAVERHILL—A public hearing will be held on Monday night on an airport safety study that could have long-term impacts for airport users, nearby residents and motorists on Airport Road. For decades, obstructions near Dean Memorial Airport, the small municipal-owned airport built on land donated to the town in the 1940s, have raised red flags. […]
Village construction project underway
FAIRLEE—A large construction project in downtown Fairlee is attracting a great deal of curiosity these days. So, what’s going on next to the old railroad station? According to Vermont Agency of Transportation’s assistant director for railroads and aviation Trini Brassard, extreme weather on July 1, 2017 washed out, damaged and undercut two culverts underneath the […]
Sweet icon on exhibit at BPL
BRADFORD—From mythical legends and modern day heroes to classic cartoons and contemporary public figures, you can find them in the form of a Pez dispenser. And right now, there is an extensive collection of these colorful candy compartments on display at the Bradford Public Library. Amazingly, the hundreds of dispensers on exhibit represent just a […]
Friends, admirers pay homage to balloonist
POST MILLS—“Jump in, let’s go for a ride,” was often on the lips of the late Brian Boland, the guy who brought ballooning to Post Mills Airport. The weather was perfect as pilots and balloon enthusiasts from near and far converged on the Post Mills Airport on Sept. 11-12 for the gathering of the 2021 […]
Photo of the Week
Bradford Town Meeting was held Saturday in the Bradford Academy Auditorium with a large crowd in attendance. On a ballot vote, Beth Friend casts her ballot.