Bath defeats school budget

BATH—Bath voters overwhelmingly rejected an attempt to cap school spending during the annual district meeting on March 13. At an overflowing Bath Village School, residents voted 153-70 against adopting a 2.9% cap on the annual tax rate increase for the school.

NH Town Meeting Coverage and Haverhill School Annual Meeting

It’s New Hampshire Town Meeting followup for Bath, Haverhill, Piermont, Orford, and Warren. Plus Haverhill School Annual Meeting coverage. Check out the JO!

WGSB to merge with Bar Harbor

WOODSVILLE—Bar Harbor Bankshares will acquire Woodsville Guaranty Savings Bank in an all-stock transaction valued at approximately $41.6 million or approximately $56.94 per share.

Skatepark clears next hurdle

BRADFORD—The first order of business at the March 13 Bradford Selectboard meeting was the election of Meroa Benjamin as chair and Mike Wright as vice chair.

Photo of the Week

Bob Gray of Newbury returned home recently with two gold medals he earned competing in an international event for cross-country skiing. He won gold medals in his age group 85-90 for the 5km and 10km races.

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