EV stations approved for Bradford downtown
BRADFORD—With only one vote in opposition, the Bradford Selectboard approved a request by Norwich Technologies to install electric vehicle charging stations in the parking area below Denny Park.
Orford retains old cruiser
ORFORD—The Orford Selectboard voted to hold on to a decommissioned police cruiser and transfer it to the highway department. The vote came during a regular meeting on April 26.
Preview: Oxbow annual meeting next week
BRADFORD—Looking to the future with lessons learned from the past has been Oxbow Unified Union School Board’s focus in preparing a budget for the 2023-2024 school year. The annual meeting of the Oxbow Unified Union School District will take place May 9 at 6 p.m. at Oxbow High School and the voters will consider the […]
NASA program comes to Haverhill schools
NORTH HAVERHILL—“We are going back to the moon!” That is what nearly 800 students in the SAU #23 School District learned on April 20 after attending assemblies profiling NASA’s Moon to Mars program. After a morning session at Woodsville High School, guest speaker Rosa Avalos-Warren moved on to the Haverhill Cooperative Middle School where students […]
Photo of the Week
Bradford Town Meeting was held Saturday in the Bradford Academy Auditorium with a large crowd in attendance. On a ballot vote, Beth Friend casts her ballot.