Honoring High School Accomplishments in this issue

This week’s issue highlights the four high school teams that won state championships: Oxbow Girls Softball, Blue Mountain Girls Softball, Blue Mountain Boys Baseball, and Thetford Academy Boys Baseball. Also four high schools held graduations over the weekend, check out the coverage in this week’s JO. And three graduation sponsorship pages (Oxbow, Rivendell and Thetford) […]

Town hires new assistant

NEWBURY—The Newbury Selectboard has hired an administrative assistant for the first time. With her term expiring in 2024, longtime selectboard chair Alma Roystan, who has also served as administrator for the board, will not be seeking reelection.

Newbury board recaps court hearing

NEWBURY—The May 31 selectboard meeting dealt with status reports on a hearing concerning the juvenile detention center; fire station design; and a notice from the Vermont State Police on the Park and Ride. Board chair Alma Roystan and Charles Schulze, the newly appointed administrative assistant, attended a hearing at the Vermont Supreme Court on May […]

Board to fill vacancies after resignations

WOODSVILLE—The Haverhill Selectboard hopes to fill two vacancies on the board later this month after the remaining members approved a timeline during a meeting on May 22.

Photo of the Week

Bradford Town Meeting was held Saturday in the Bradford Academy Auditorium with a large crowd in attendance. On a ballot vote, Beth Friend casts her ballot.

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