Deadline fire strikes Newbury
NEWBURY—A devastating fire on July 14 took the life of a Newbury man. James Lacount, 77, died after his home at 2464 Bowen Road in Newbury, near the Corinth town line, went up in flames.
Film shoot comes to close in Corinth
EAST CORINTH—If only for a short time, the town of Winter River returned to life. The fictional Connecticut town is the setting for the 1988 film “Beetlejuice.” And it is the setting for the sequel now in production and scheduled to be released next year.
Failing bridge was just replaced
WAITS RIVER—The unrelenting rain has taken its toll on the Pike Hill Bridge nearly two years after it underwent $160,000 in repairs. The bridge over the Waits River with its approach to the New Hope Methodist Church has been seen in countless calendars. It is one of the most photographed sites of Vermont.
Extensive flooding after storm
Several state highways in Vermont, including Route 113 in West Fairlee and Vershire, Route 25 in Topsham, and Routes 302 and 232 in Groton were closed after yesterday’s storm. Dozens of town-owned roads are also closed in several communities throughout the area. The storm inflicted its worst in the Green Mountains on the spine of […]
Photo of the Week
Bradford Town Meeting was held Saturday in the Bradford Academy Auditorium with a large crowd in attendance. On a ballot vote, Beth Friend casts her ballot.