Old building charm shines through in new studio
CORINTH—Neysa Russo recently purchased the historic Willis Theatre on Center Road in Corinth moving The Felting Studio there from the Lower Plain in Bradford. She hopes to keep much of the 178-year-old building’s charm intact, although some restorations are planned.
Restraining order sought against elected official
NORTH HAVERHILL—Several Grafton County employees have accused the elected Register of Deeds of creating a hostile work environment and bullying behavior. The animosity has prompted one senior staff member to seek a restraining order against Kelley Monahan, D-Orford.
Hiker carried off Mount Cube
ORFORD—Area emergency responders spent nearly five hours on Monday in the rain helping an injured hiker who suffered a severe head injury after falling near the summit of Mount Cube in Orford.
Board to consider ordinance changes
CORINTH—The dilapidated, or unsafe, building ordinance and law enforcement recommendations were central at the Aug. 1 selectboard meeting. The planning committee is reviewing the current ordinance and making revisions. The ordinance has been used to enforce a building safety order against the owner of the former general store in East Corinth.
Photo of the Week
A fledgling Rivendell Raptors fan cheers on the home team in Orford during the boys basketball game against Grace Christian on Jan. 3.