Hobby is more than a link to the past

NEWBURY—Without knowing it, Ian Clark’s father steered his son toward the very thing that he wanted his son not to do. “My Dad was an amateur [photographer] and his mother [too]. My Dad liked to wind my brother and I up. [By] suggesting we could develop our own film.”

Car rams building

FAIRLEE—A store employee suffered minor injuries after a car struck a building in Fairlee last week. The incident happened on the morning of Oct. 24 in the parking lot of the Express Lane convenience store on Route 10 across from Bridge Street.

Rivendell considers big changes

ORFORD—If next year’s Rivendell Interstate School District budget holds to the current status quo, spending is projected to increase by about 10% for the 2024-2025 year. According to district projections, spending will have increased by $1.4 million just to maintain the same level of staffing and services.

Retaliation claim found invalid by DOL

HAVERHILL—A state hearing officer has found that a former Haverhill firefighter was terminated for insubordination and not in retaliation for disclosing safety standard violations to the town’s selectboard. The decision, dated Oct. 16, was made after a 3.5-hour public hearing on Sept. 28 at the New Hampshire Department of Labor in Concord.

Photo of the Week

Bradford Town Meeting was held Saturday in the Bradford Academy Auditorium with a large crowd in attendance. On a ballot vote, Beth Friend casts her ballot.

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