Charges dropped after man’s death

EAST RYEGATE—A Woodsville man who was arrested last month for an attempted kidnapping died last week due to an apparent heart attack. Keith Teele, 55, passed away on Oct. 31 at his temporary residence in East Ryegate.

Suspicious behavior reported in area

CORINTH—Despite multiple reports of suspicious behavior in Corinth and Topsham last week, there have been no indications of illegal activity, according to Vermont State Police.

Bond vote coming for new fire station

NEWBURY—Town officials are lining up a new fire station to replace the current one in Newbury Village.

Bradford’s EV stations officially open

BRADFORD—In a scaled-down ceremony on Friday afternoon, the Bradford Energy Committee, Norwich EV, and a handful of spectators celebrated the opening of Bradford’s three EV charging stations at Denny Park on Main Street.

Photo of the Week

Bradford Town Meeting was held Saturday in the Bradford Academy Auditorium with a large crowd in attendance. On a ballot vote, Beth Friend casts her ballot.

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