Haverhill poised to buy voting machines
WOODSVILLE—Haverhill is nearing the acquisition of voting machines that will help process election ballots in the future.
Truck damages Oxbow fields
BRADFORD—Several athletic fields at Oxbow High School were vandalized on the night of Nov. 17 after a driver operating an older model pickup truck performed doughnuts on the publicly owned turf. According to a Bradford Police Department news release, the school fields sustained several thousands of dollars in damage.
Topsham eyes new town hall
WEST TOPSHAM—The West Topsham Community Hall Association, a nonprofit, has gifted the community building to the Town of Topsham.
Rules spat in Bradford makes waves
BRADFORD—A rift between some selectboard members and the planning board chair was on display during last Thursday’s selectboard meeting. Bradford Planning Commission Chair Marcey Carver criticized the board for its vote on Oct. 26, revoking its earlier approval of rules of procedure for the planning commission.
Photo of the Week
Bradford Town Meeting was held Saturday in the Bradford Academy Auditorium with a large crowd in attendance. On a ballot vote, Beth Friend casts her ballot.