Fire destroys Newbury home
NEWBURY—A man suffered serious injuries in a house fire on Moore Hill Road in Newbury on Saturday afternoon.
Bath Town Meeting coverage
BATH—Town Clerk Carrie Vogt shared the results from the annual Bath Town Meeting held on March 12 and said there was nothing out of the ordinary that happened at the meeting. There were concerns expressed about the potential costs for town building projects on the horizon.
PVS budget wins approval
PIERMONT—Approximately 25 Piermonters gathered for a brief annual school district meeting on March 19. The entire session lasted 18 minutes during which residents approved a $2.6 million operating budget for 2024-2025 and set aside $80,000 for two capital reserve funds.
Petition seeks revote on sidewalk study
BRADFORD—Bradford residents will get a chance to stroll down memory lane by revisiting a question about sidewalks raised at town meeting earlier this month.
Photos of the Week
They are the Champions! Woodsville boys basketball won the D4 state championship Saturday afternoon, defeating Littleton 51-48. AND Thetford boys basketball won the D3 state title over Hazen 58-44 Saturday night. Congratulations to the Engineers and the Panthers!