Board balks at discontinuing roads
NORTH HAVERHILL—The Haverhill Selectboard largely ruled out a proposal to discontinue town maintenance of several roads during its meeting on Monday night. Last month, Haverhill Town Manager Brigitte Codling asked board members to consider warning several warrant articles for town meeting asking voters to discontinue maintenance of several local roads with three or less residences […]
BMU preps budget plan
WELLS RIVER—A draft 2021-2022 Blue Mountain Union budget plan is down slightly from the current year. School board members received an early glimpse of the proposal during a regularly scheduled meeting on Dec. 2. They plan on holding two meetings next month to finalize a plan before sending it to voters. online pharmacy no […]
Algae blooms prompt public warnings
FAIRLEE—The Fairlee Town Beach is closed until ice-in after late-season cyanobacteria blooms continue to plague Lake Morey. At the selectboard meeting on Nov. 30, Fairlee Town Administrator Tad Nunez said that he had been in touch with state officials who said there is no elevated public health risk. Still he wants to let people know […]
Board weighs discontinuing roads
NORTH HAVERHILL—Selectboard members discussed a proposal that the town relinquish maintenance of several class V roadways in town. During the selectboard meeting on Nov. 23, Haverhill Town Manager Brigitte Codling asked board members to consider several warrant articles to discontinue town roads with three or less residences on them. Codling said that under state law, […]
Photo of the Week
Bradford Town Meeting was held Saturday in the Bradford Academy Auditorium with a large crowd in attendance. On a ballot vote, Beth Friend casts her ballot.