Candidates line up for board races

BRADFORD—It’s a town meeting season unlike any other in the past. With COVID-19 upending traditional practices, municipalities have been given some flexibility on how to conduct their annual town business meeting. But Zoom meetings and Australian ballots are not the only features for town meeting this year. In several area towns, there will be competitive […]

Covid cases push BMU to remote

WELLS RIVER—Several positive COVID-19 cases in the community prompted pre-k-12 Blue Mountain Union School to move to remote learning on a full-time basis for the next three weeks. At least five people with Covid were within the school building last week. In a letter posted on Facebook, Orange East Supervisory Union Superintendent Emilie Knisley said […]

Board gets briefed on audit

ORFORD—It appears that changes implemented over the past two years have resolved budgeting problems that led to an $800,000 deficit in 2018-2019. Early on in the Rivendell Interstate School District’s Feb. 4 board meeting, professional auditor Tyler Paine briefed the board on the district’s finances for the year ending June 31, 2020. In that period, […]

Local adult day program closes permanently

NEWBURY—Less than two years after the Oxbow Senior Independence Program celebrated its 30th anniversary, its day program has had to call it quits. The adult daily services program is yet another victim of the coronavirus pandemic. OSIP was founded in 1987 with a dual mission. The organization provides subsidized, independent housing for older adults and […]

Photo of the Week

Bradford Town Meeting was held Saturday in the Bradford Academy Auditorium with a large crowd in attendance. On a ballot vote, Beth Friend casts her ballot.

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