Security tops concerns at juvenile facility meeting

NEWBURY—Newbury residents seized on a meeting with state officials last week to voice their fears over a proposed juvenile detention facility in a former bed and breakfast. Chief among those concerns: What happens if there’s an escape or another emergency in a town without its own police or emergency responders? “This proposed detention facility threatens […]

Fire destroys historic house

WEST FAIRLEE—Fire officials said a family of three barely escaped with their lives after a fast-moving fire destroyed their historic split-level home at 3207 Blood Brook Road on Feb. 8. The fire was called in at 10:19 p.m., and within minutes dozens of firefighters and equipment from at least nine mutual aid communities had converged […]

Town meeting preview New garage site on warning

TOPSHAM—The location for the town’s new garage is once again the top issue for voters. Topsham has been looking to build a new town garage for over a decade. The current building, located along Tabor Branch in East Topsham, is cramped and underequipped. Several initial proposals were rejected by voters or vetoed by state regulators. […]

Farewell as Guard deploys for next year

BRADFORD—In an atmosphere charged with anticipation, the Bradford Armory was abuzz with chatter, tears and hugs on Saturday as Vermont National Guard soldiers departed for a year-long deployment abroad. Approximately 80 soldiers were given the big send-off by well-wishers at the armory and beyond. Flags, horns and sirens, balloons and “thank you” signs and banners […]

Photo of the Week

Bradford Town Meeting was held Saturday in the Bradford Academy Auditorium with a large crowd in attendance. On a ballot vote, Beth Friend casts her ballot.

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