Town meeting looks different in 2021
Some area New Hampshire towns will hold their town meetings in the next few weeks, while others have delayed proceedings for a couple of months. Bath Town meeting has been delayed until Saturday, June 5 at 1 p.m. Bath votes on its officers from the floor. The selectboard members have finalized a meeting warrant and […]
Town meeting preview Candidates state their case ahead of vote
BRADFORD—Five Bradford Selectboard candidates are gearing up for town meeting day in which community members will decide who will be filling the two open town officer positions. There are two selectboard positions—one for a three-year term and the other for a two-year term. Candidates Todd Danis, Meroa Benjamin, Sarah Surette, and Anna Davidson are all […]
Town meeting preview PD budget scrutinized as vote approaches
THETFORD—Police funding is the key issue in Thetford’s proposed budget for 2021. The budget shows an 18.8 percent increase in police funding yet a line item shows a reduction in payroll which could mean a reduction in hours and pay of department personnel. Besides Chief Michael Evans, the police department consists of two other full-time […]
TM outlines FD merger plans
WOODSVILLE—With several questions about fire departments going to voters next month, Haverhill Town Manager Brigitte Codling last week presented her vision for the background and future of a town fire department. Currently, three of the town’s precincts—Haverhill Corner, North Haverhill, and Woodsville— independently operate their own fire department and maintain their own fire station, although […]
Photo of the Week
Bradford Town Meeting was held Saturday in the Bradford Academy Auditorium with a large crowd in attendance. On a ballot vote, Beth Friend casts her ballot.