Tractor Supply hearing held

BRADFORD—The largest new Bradford retail project in eight years appears one step closer to securing its local zoning permit. The Bradford Planning Commission held a site plan review hearing on May 4 on the proposed Tractor Supply store that would be constructed on a vacant Lower Plain parcel next to Bradford Evangelical Free Church. Commercial […]

Covid outbreak limited at county jail

NORTH HAVERHILL—Three Grafton County correctional officers are in quarantine after testing positive for COVID-19 last week, adding an increased burden to an already short-staffed department. In a telephone interview, Thomas Elliott, county corrections superintendent, said that all Covid protocols, as prescribed by the Centers for Disease Control and the New Hampshire Department of Health and […]

ATV decision gets delayed

WOODSVILLE—Selectboard members will wait until later this month to make a decision about opening roadways in Mountain Lakes to ATVs. With one representative absent on Monday night, board members voted 4-0 to delay a decision until May 24 when they hope to have a full complement. Monday night’s vote came one week after the board […]

Man arrested after Newbury murder

WEST NEWBURY—A 70-year-old man and lifelong area resident allegedly shot and killed his daughter inside his West Newbury home on Monday. At an arraignment on Tuesday afternoon, James D. Perry Jr. pleaded not guilty to the second degree murder of Karina Rheaume, 38. He also pleaded not guilty to aggravated assault and reckless endangerment. According […]

Photo of the Week

Bradford Town Meeting was held Saturday in the Bradford Academy Auditorium with a large crowd in attendance. On a ballot vote, Beth Friend casts her ballot.

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