Graduation plans vary at area high schools
BRADFORD—Even as area high schools plan to hold in-person graduations ceremonies this year, not everything will look as it did in the past. Graduation celebrations will thus vary from school to school as administrators and others make plans with guidance issued by Vermont and New Hampshire health and school officials. In Vermont, officials anticipate that […]
DCF: No adults at Covered Bridges
NEWBURY—The Vermont Department of Children and Families has no plans to house young adults at a proposed juvenile detention center in Newbury. DCF Commissioner Sean Brown told legislators on June 3 that the Covered Bridges facility will not be taking in “emerging adults.” The comments came during a session of the Vermont Legislature’s Joint Justice […]
Class project raises funds for clean water
WAITS RIVER—What began as a library class research project, three 6th grade students took several steps further. The project asked students to select one of many global issues to study: food insecurity; human trafficking; natural disasters; and others. Kobin Ellsworth, Aiden Otterman, and Gabbi Snider chose to research access to clean water. Finding clean drinking […]
Fair eyes 2022 return, but parades will line up
BRADFORD—Even as much of the region emerges from the throes of the pandemic, organizers of some annual events are planning for another year without their feature attractions. The Bradford Fair recently announced it was cancelling its 2021 event. “It was a difficult decision to postpone the annual Bradford Fair until July of 2022,” Tammy Coffin […]
Photo of the Week
Bradford Town Meeting was held Saturday in the Bradford Academy Auditorium with a large crowd in attendance. On a ballot vote, Beth Friend casts her ballot.