County Farm turns to cover crops in 2021
NORTH HAVERHILL—This past year, the Grafton County Farm and Farm Stand, as with everything and everyone else, fell victim to COVID-19’s disruptive influence. Passersby may have noticed that business is not as usual and wonder what is going on. The farm stand will not open in 2021, but that doesn’t mean the County Farm won’t […]
Bonanza pops pandemic bubble
BRADFORD—After COVID-19 restrictions loosened, the Bradford Public Library re-opened to the public on May 4 after closing its doors in March 2020. But librarian Gail Trede wanted to hold a special event—something to bring families together that were otherwise isolated during the pandemic. “It was hard to book any events due to Covid restrictions and […]
As summer returns, restrictions lift
It’s been more than a year and a half since COVID-19 made its appearance and upended everybody’s lives. As Covid case numbers decline, restrictions loosen, and temperatures rise, local folks are gathering again with an extra dose of gratitude and joy. And maybe a little trepidation. Those in the wedding industry basically lost an entire […]
Voters buy backhoe, delay bridge repair
BATH—It may have been sunny and hot outside instead of dark and cold, but Bath got its 2021 town meeting done. Town meeting was held on the afternoon of June 5, pushed back from its traditional March date due to the pandemic. The location, however, remained unchanged with residents gathering in the Bath Village School […]
Photo of the Week
Bradford Town Meeting was held Saturday in the Bradford Academy Auditorium with a large crowd in attendance. On a ballot vote, Beth Friend casts her ballot.