Bail reform, Covid played role in stand closure

NORTH HAVERHILL—Why is there an inmate labor shortage on the Grafton County Farm? Last week’s story, “County farm turns to cover crops in 2021,” about the temporary closure of the Grafton County farm stand spurred questions about the lower numbers of incarcerated at the Grafton County House of Corrections. The lack of farm help started […]

Local vax rollout matches state rate

As Vermont reached an 80% vaccination rate, eligible residents of Bradford and surrounding communities are receiving the COVID-19 vaccine at a pace comparable to the rest of the state. According to data from the Vermont Department of Health, Bradford’s vaccination rate was between 81 and 90%, as was the rate in Thetford. Fairlee’s vaccination rate […]

Embattled bridge inspires neighbors

THETFORD CENTER—The one-lane covered bridge over the Ompompanoosuc River on Tucker Hill Road was temporarily closed for several hours midday on June 17. But this time the closure was not due to damage caused by an oversized truck striking the wooden frame, an all-too common occurrence at the site. Instead, a throng of neighbors, Thetford […]

Social media page draws criticism

BRADFORD—There is some disconnect about a Facebook group named Connecting Bradford as the social media hub came under fire during the selectboard meeting last week. A brief discussion was prompted by a complaint the town offices received from a Bradford resident even though the page is not an official municipal website. Selectmen voted several years […]

Photo of the Week

Bradford Town Meeting was held Saturday in the Bradford Academy Auditorium with a large crowd in attendance. On a ballot vote, Beth Friend casts her ballot.

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