Towns share cruiser after moose crash

ORFORD—Orford’s police cruiser is getting repaired after a moose sideswiped it last month. Just after 11 a.m. on June 23, Orford Police Chief Jason Bachus was traveling east on Route 25 near the Mount Cube Farm on a routine patrol. In a brief interview this week about the incident, Bachus said that he was traveling […]

Bradford aims to reduce false alarms

BRADFORD—On June 24, the Bradford Selectboard approved two new ordinances to address fire department reimbursement and false alarms. The reimbursement ordinance identifies incidents, like an unpermitted burn, where the Bradford Fire Department can bill businesses or individuals after a response. The false alarm ordinance states that the fire department will bill businesses and individuals with […]

Traffic calming measures under consideration

FAIRLEE—The Fairlee Selectboard is considering measures to lower traffic speeds around Lake Morey and improve pedestrian safety. The town may lower the speed limit on Lake Morey Road from 30 to 25 mph during summer, add more speed limit signs, or install speed bumps in order to make the area safer for summer crowds, according […]

County budget wins approval

NORTH HAVERHILL—A Grafton County operating budget for the next 12 months in excess of $48.7 million was overwhelmingly approved by legislators on Monday morning. Meeting mostly in person at the county complex, the delegation of state representatives voted 25-1 to approve the spending plan. Rep. David Binford, R-Bath, was the lone dissent. Ten other Republicans […]

Photo of the Week

Bradford Town Meeting was held Saturday in the Bradford Academy Auditorium with a large crowd in attendance. On a ballot vote, Beth Friend casts her ballot.

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