ZBA approves LP projects

BRADFORD—The Bradford Zoning Board of Adjustment approved two commercial projects on the Lower Plain after brief public hearings on the morning of July 12. Thomson Fuels won approval to install three 30,000 gallon propane tanks at its property on 339 Waits River Road, which was formerly owned by Green Mountain Power. Stacey Thomson of Orford […]

Rec, welfare mulled for stimulus funds

WOODSVILLE—Haverhill Selectboard members discussed how to spend its expected allocation of funds under the federal American Rescue Plan Act during their meeting on July 6. As part of the $1.9 trillion ARPA, $130 billion will be sent to municipalities and counties across the country. In New Hampshire, $112 million will be spread across the state’s […]

Remote meeting access continues

BRADFORD—The Bradford Selectboard unanimously voted last week to continue to provide remote access to its meetings even after members returned to in-person sessions last month. Bradford Selectboard Chair Ted Unkles said he is neither enthusiastic nor comfortable with the livestreaming format and he was happy to resume holding the bimonthly meetings of the town’s legislative […]

Corinth man ordered to have more treatment

BURLINGTON—An Orange County man, who initially received a nine-month federal prison term for being a felon in possession of explosive materials, had a little over two months added onto his sentence after he admitted he ignored three directives from the sentencing judge. Mark A. Mattiace, 44, of East Corinth acknowledged in court on Thursday that […]

Photo of the Week

Bradford Town Meeting was held Saturday in the Bradford Academy Auditorium with a large crowd in attendance. On a ballot vote, Beth Friend casts her ballot.

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