Woman killed in car crash
NORTH HAVERHILL—A 29-year-old North Haverhill woman died after a car crash was discovered on Sunday morning. Krystal Brown was found dead at the scene after police responded to Route 10 at 10:45 a.m. near Blueberry Fields self-storage south of the village. According to a news release from Haverhill Police Department, Brown was traveling north in […]
BMU reports hefty surplus
WELLS RIVER—The pandemic’s impact threaded nearly every topic covered by the Blue Mountain Union School board meeting on Oct. 6. In a budget review of the academic year that ended June 30, business manager Linda Metcalf said unaudited financial statements revealed a hefty surplus despite decreased revenue. Despite being short about $350,000 in revenue for […]
Corn maze finds new adventure
BATH—This is the fourth season of the Collins Farm Corn Maze on Route 302 in Bath, but this year there is a new twist. In addition to the corn maze, a second attraction, the Collins Farm Adventure Trail, blends escape room with obstacle course. “It’s an artistic gift,” said creator Corey Collins with a chuckle. […]
DRB hearing held on detention center
NEWBURY—If there is support for the state’s proposed juvenile detention center in Newbury, there was little to be found inside the Newbury Elementary School gymnasium on Saturday. Nearly 100 people turned out for the Newbury Development Review Board hearing on the Covered Bridge Treatment Center. As many as 56 people were on Zoom. After more […]
Photo of the Week
Bradford Town Meeting was held Saturday in the Bradford Academy Auditorium with a large crowd in attendance. On a ballot vote, Beth Friend casts her ballot.