Fuel costs to delay local paving
NEWBURY—Sky-high fuel prices are putting a strain on town budgets and causing some to curtail plans for planned paving projects this summer. At its June 15 meeting, Newbury’s selectboard voted to delay the repair, preparation and resurfacing of a section of Leighton Hill Road starting at the intersection of Route 302. It is not just […]
Coyote hunt rules to take effect
FAIRLEE—A moratorium on hunting coyotes with dogs will take effect on July 1 in Vermont after a new bill was approved by the legislature this year. The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department says that under S.281, hunters will only be able to pursue and take a coyote with dogs if they are on their own […]
Tour explores area homes, gardens, artists
EAST CORINTH—The garden tour, a fundraising event, is not only back from the restrictions of Covid, but it is back “with a twist,” Blake Memorial Library’s director Jennifer Spanier said. Traditionally, these tours featured gardens only. This year’s Art, House and Garden Tour will include not only gardens, but historic homes and artisan studios and […]
Bradford to weigh retail pot this fall
BRADFORD—There could be at least one local item on the ballot this fall in Bradford. The selectboard voted on June 9 to ask voters whether they want retail pot sales in town. Under state law, retail cannabis sales will legally begin in October. Before retail sales can begin in a community, a municipality must first […]
Photos of the Week
They are the Champions! Woodsville boys basketball won the D4 state championship Saturday afternoon, defeating Littleton 51-48. AND Thetford boys basketball won the D3 state title over Hazen 58-44 Saturday night. Congratulations to the Engineers and the Panthers!