Board won’t seek removal of elections official
WOODSVILLE—The Haverhill Selectboard will not demand the resignation of an elected supervisor of the checklist who was recently cited for electioneering. As reported in last week’s edition, Regis Roy, a longtime supervisor of the checklist in Haverhill, was recently ordered by the New Hampshire Department of Justice to cease and desist from electoral interference after […]
Protester, patriot honored in ceremony
HAVERHILL—For the sake of history, a crowd of about 35 people gathered at Horse Meadow Cemetery on Saturday afternoon. Next year is the Boston Tea Party’s 250th anniversary. To honor the participants in that historical protest of Dec. 16, 1773, the Boston Tea Party Ships and Museum is installing commemorative markers at the graves of […]
Park projects get go-ahead
BRADFORD—The Bradford Selectboard gave its approval to a pair of projects at Elizabeth’s Park that were briefly stalled due to potential legal issues. Efforts have been underway for several months to develop a horseshoe pit and a dog park at Elizabeth’s Park. In June, however, questions were raised whether those projects complied with a stipulation […]
Elections violation prompts call for resignation
HAVERHILL—A longtime supervisor of the checklist has been censured by state officials for electioneering on town meeting day in 2021. Regis Roy is the second public official who has been cited for violating state election laws during that town meeting. Woodsville Village Manager Kevin Shelton had previously been cited for electioneering after sending a promotional […]
Photos of the Week
They are the Champions! Woodsville boys basketball won the D4 state championship Saturday afternoon, defeating Littleton 51-48. AND Thetford boys basketball won the D3 state title over Hazen 58-44 Saturday night. Congratulations to the Engineers and the Panthers!