Haverhill Selectboard Forum held Feb. 26

Haverhill candidate forum recording


Haverhill will hold officer elections on Tuesday, March 11. There are three seats to be voted on. Candidates are listed below.

Selectboard: Ron Hurlburt – 1 Year Term;  Adam York – 1 Year Term; Theresa Paige – 3 Year Term; Vicki Wyman – 3 Year Term; Michael Small – 3 Year Term

The Journal Opinion facilitated a candidates forum on Feb. 26. The Zoom recording is here.



Passcode: h15Pt+$6

The recording begins a little early, so skip ahead to the 35:16 mark for the forum’s start.

Also, only four candidates were available for the start. Michael Small was late, but he joined us at the 1:09:45 mark.

A very big thank you to the Haverhill town offices for hosting the event at the Clifford building and making the recording available.