Man avoids jail after plea deal

WOODSVILLE—A Woodsville man can avoid prison after pleading guilty to charges related to an attempt to solicit sex from a teenage girl.

Lyme-Thetford Bridge closure to interrupt UV life

The Lyme-East Thetford Bridge is scheduled to close for repairs. The bridge closure is currently scheduled by the New Hampshire Department of Transportation to start April 27 and last 18 months. It’s likely to create headaches for residents on either side of the span who depend on it to reach jobs, school, medical appointments, car repairs, or other necessities. They’ll have to extend their travel time, reduce their trip frequency, or find other options for crossing the river.

Bradford Downtown EV stations pitched

BRADFORD—The Bradford Selectboard is mulling over a request to install six electric vehicle charging stations in downtown Bradford. In March 2022, the board reviewed plans by Norwich Technologies to install two electric vehicle charging stations in the Denny Park parking lot.

Fairlee adopts bylaw changes

FAIRLEE—The Fairlee Selectboard adopted interim changes to the town’s zoning regulations on Monday night aimed at improving water quality in Lake Morey and increasing housing capacity throughout town.

Vershire man pleads guilty in drug case

CONCORD—A Vershire man who was caught sneaking into a Lebanon police impound lot last year pleaded guilty in federal court on Monday to drug trafficking.
Damien Rousseau, 31, pleaded guilty to unlawful possession with the intent to distribute methamphetamine and cocaine. A sentencing was scheduled for July 24.

Feds accuse ex-local man of $8M fraud

BOSTON—A former North Haverhill fuel seller has been indicted by a federal grand jury for his role in an $8 million fraud case.
John Pigsley, 54, and an accomplice have been charged for defrauding the company that operates the MBTA commuter rail system in Boston. Prosecutors allege that the pair engaged in a false invoicing scheme between 2014 and 2021.

Oxbow sets budget, warrant

BRADFORD—The Oxbow Unified Union School District finalized its annual meeting warrant on March 29.
The proposed budget for the district’s four schools in 2023-2024 is $18,396,315. It’s a 5.15% spending increase over the current year, but projections show tax rates increasing by 1.6% and .4% in Bradford and Newbury, respectively.

Simpson wants access to state settlement

BURLINGTON—A federal judge has ruled a St. Johnsbury man charged with abducting and sexually assaulting a woman four years ago is entitled to see the terms of an out-of-court settlement with the former owners of a drug rehabilitation center in Bradford.
Everett A. Simpson, 45, said he wants access to the payment terms between the woman and Valley Vista, where he had escaped before the reported abduction and sexual assault in January 2019.

Haverhill board elects new chair

WOODSVILLE—The Haverhill Selectboard appointed Katie Williams as chair and Michael Graham as vice chair at a meeting on March 27.
The board held its first regular meeting since town meeting when Phil Blanchard and Joe Longacre were both elected to the board for the first time. The board has been without a chair since Fred Garofalo resigned in January. Vice chair Steve Robbins lost his bid for re-election last month.

Therapy dogs to join OESU

WELLS RIVER—Canine support staff could soon be permanent fixtures at half a dozen area schools. Last month, several Orange East Supervisory Union staff and their dogs completed a training after Blue Mountain Union had trialed a therapy dog at its library.