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Rivendell considers big changes

ORFORD—If next year’s Rivendell Interstate School District budget holds to the current status quo, spending is projected to increase by about 10% for the 2024-2025 year. According to district projections, spending will have increased by $1.4 million just to maintain the same level of staffing and services.

Retaliation claim found invalid by DOL

HAVERHILL—A state hearing officer has found that a former Haverhill firefighter was terminated for insubordination and not in retaliation for disclosing safety standard violations to the town’s selectboard. The decision, dated Oct. 16, was made after a 3.5-hour public hearing on Sept. 28 at the New Hampshire Department of Labor in Concord.

13 movies you should watch this Halloween

Once a year, candy-cravers and costume-lovers brave a world where ghosts and ghouls lurk in the shadows. However, All Hallow’s Eve can be celebrated just as well without leaving the house! Grab your bulk candy of choice and cozy up on the couch for a film. From the blood-chilling horror to the bone-rattling comedy to […]

Local radio station changes hands

WELLS RIVER—“After a half a century of doing radio, it’s time to turn it over to a local individual full of great ideas,” said Stephen Puffer in an interview last week. That local individual is Joshua Smith who bought Puffer Broadcasting Inc., which operated WYKR and WTWN, from Stephen and his wife, Teresa, in May. […]

Local girl wins a round in cancer bout

WEST NEWBURY—Isabella Fraser has battled cancer since age 6. The shy and reserved 12-year-old has endured appointment after appointment, harsh chemotherapy and an unimaginable diagnosis of one of the rarest forms of cancer in the world.

I-91 Closure is next week

NEWBURY—There will be an increase in vehicle traffic at nights on Route 5 next week. I-91 south between exits 17 in Newbury and 16 in Bradford will be closed for approximately four nights beginning Oct. 23. The closure applies only at nights between 6 p.m. and 7 a.m. the following morning. The work is expected […]

Topsham orders dog muzzled

TOPSHAM—The Topsham Selectboard issued an order last week that directs the owner of a dog to keep it muzzled and chained at all times when it is outside the home.

New documentary explores ‘The Balloonist’

THETFORD—Filmmaker Malcolm Quinn Silver-Van Meter grew up a quarter-mile from the Post Mills Airport, where at a young age, he saw hot air balloons rise through the morning mist. “As a kid, I called the sound of the hot air balloons filling up ‘the voice of dragons,’” Silver-Van Meter said in a recent interview. Over […]