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Bath defeats school budget

BATH—Bath voters overwhelmingly rejected an attempt to cap school spending during the annual district meeting on March 13. At an overflowing Bath Village School, residents voted 153-70 against adopting a 2.9% cap on the annual tax rate increase for the school.

WGSB to merge with Bar Harbor

WOODSVILLE—Bar Harbor Bankshares will acquire Woodsville Guaranty Savings Bank in an all-stock transaction valued at approximately $41.6 million or approximately $56.94 per share.

Newbury approves new fire station

NEWBURY—On town meeting day on March 4, Newbury voters overwhelmingly approved a bond to build a new fire station in the village. In an Australian ballot vote, there were 144 votes (76.6%) to approve the station with just 44 (23.4%) votes in opposition.

Board certifies bond terms

WOODSVILLE—The Haverhill Selectboard voted 3-2 on Monday night to find that Woodsville has satisfied the bond requirement of a state law that permits town voters to appropriate funds to the district at the annual meeting.

Vermont Town Meeting Day coverage

March 4 was Town Meeting Day in Vermont and this week’s issue has coverage of Corinth, Fairlee, Groton, Newbury, and Ryegate plus the election results from Australian balloting in Bradford, West Fairlee, Thetford School, BMU Budget, Newbury Fire Station.

Haverhill Selectboard Forum held Feb. 26

Haverhill candidate forum recording   Haverhill will hold officer elections on Tuesday, March 11. There are three seats to be voted on. Candidates are listed below. Selectboard: Ron Hurlburt – 1 Year Term;  Adam York – 1 Year Term; Theresa Paige – 3 Year Term; Vicki Wyman – 3 Year Term; Michael Small – 3 […]