
Our Coverage Area

The Journal Opinion is a weekly newspaper with a circulation of approximately 4,000 and a readership of approximately 10,000 to 11,000 through subscriptions and newsstand sales. We currently serve the following towns:

Vermont Towns
Bradford, Newbury, West Newbury, Wells River, Ryegate, Groton, Topsham, West Topsham, East Topsham, Corinth, East Corinth, Chelsea, Fairlee, West Fairlee, Ely, Thetford, Vershire, Barnet

New Hampshire Towns
Haverhill, Woodsville, Glencliff, Haverhill Center, North Haverhill, East Haverhill, Pike, Bath, Warren, Piermont, Orford, Lyme, Benton, Monroe,

Submit Advertisement

The Journal Opinion uses Cognito Forms to collect payment and files online. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Our Rates


*Credit/Debit Card Charges have processing fee

Open Rate
$8.50 per column inch (pci) Black & White
$9.50 per column inch (pci) Color

Nonprofit Rate
$8 per column inch (pci) Black & White
$9 per column inch (pci) Color

Regular Line Classifieds $10 flat fee wd.limit 50wds.)
All personal classifieds must be prepaid.

Notice to Creditors (Probate Notices) $50


Limited space/availability. $75 per week

Regular Size, black/white (2 col x 3 inches) = $45

Regular Size, color = $55.00


Short (400 wds. or less) $75; Medium (401-600 wds.) $100; Long (601-800 wds.) $125; Extra Long (801 or more) $150 INCLUDE PHOTO NO EXTRA COST

For recognized nonprofit organizations $8 pci black/white $9 color

Daily $15. Newsletter Weekdays only (Mon-Fri)

Contract Rates are available for multiple weeks.

13 Weeks at $20/week
(13-week minimum schedule. Ad runs continuously with no changes.)


Full Page (11 inches wide by 21 inches long)
Black/White Flat Rate $723
Color Flat Rate $770

Half Page Ad (11 inches wide by 10.5 inches long)
Black/White Flate Rate $470
Color Flat Rate $510

Quarter Page Ad (5.4 inches wide by 10.5 inches)
Black/White Flat Rate $265
Color Flat Rate $295

Miscellaneous Information

Per Column Inch (pci)
One column inch is defined as a space that is one column wide and one inch deep.

Column Widths
1 col = 1.75 inches wide
2 col = 3.5 inches wide
3 col = 5.4 inches wide
4 col = 7  inches wide
5 col = 9 inches wide
6 col = 11 inches wide

Mechanical Specifications
Broad Sheet Standard Size : 6 columns per page : 21 inches : 126 column inches

Deadlines for all ad reservations is Friday at 5 p.m. Ad content and Editorial Copy deadline is Monday at Noon. Proofs cannot be guaranteed on ads placed beyond deadline.

Discount Policies
Advertising Agencies: Advertising agencies will be billed at net.

Payment Policy

Credit/Debit Card charges have a processing fee.

Credit Policy
Advertisers without established credit must pay cash with order for the first 30 days. A Service Charge of 1.5% per month will be rendered on late payments over 30 days from invoice date.

Front Page Ads
Ads 1 column (2 inches wide) by 1 inch long are $75 per week (contract rates available).

Website Ads
Website ad cost is 20% of print ad price OR if website ad only, the printed rates here apply.

All advertising is subject to approval. Publisher reserves the right to reject advertisements objectionable in appearance, character, wording, or for any other reason deemed unacceptable.

The Journal Opinion will not be liable for errors in any advertisements published beyond the cost of the space occupied by the individual item in which an error is made.

Copyright ownership of all advertising copy, artwork, and finished ads which are typeset, composted, or assembled by the Journal Opinion remain with the publisher.

Contract rates will be void on accounts with balances over 30 days. All ads will be charged at open rate until the account is current.